Friday, April 6, 2018

Corrupt, Evasive, Guilty

Corrupt, Evasive, Guilty
April 9, 4:37pm: I'm taking time off from scripting to put together some music, a kind of classical metal composition. It's sounds familiar, but it could be because I've had it in my mind for a long while now. I'll add it to (New) Episode XX. It should fit well, good marching rhythm. But I wanted to post this note on top here to ask CBC the name of that comedian who was acting out my Underground Wonderland sketch, from the above Episode XIX here. He left out some of the joke by removing it from its source, the purpose of the ad: the government's trying to make people accept living underground because the country's been bombed. In his hands, it's just a meaningless, silly gag. What a rotten thing to do to my work. And did CBC support this crime? And is that the one who has a brother? What's his name? CBC knows their names and I don't. But CBC knew my name, too. I don't see how it helps me when they always want to help people like that. And shouldn't I at least know their names, if only for my own protection? But I find CBC very evasive on these questions.

I know it's unusual to post a statement in one of these show blogs, but I needed to talk for real about something while I work on the next script. I vaguely recall producing something similar to the last two now, though I wrote them from scratch. I worked hard on them. And they appear to have been grabbed along with my other old works now. When it comes to my hard work, I get absolutely no respect from these broadcasters.

I invented the war scenario as a way to parody these old propaganda clips I've been viewing. I must have got the same idea when I first shared the show. I hope my next script turns out more original.

Broadcasters like CBC should hardly be boasting on billboards after what they did to me. How do you like a government supported broadcaster that sells out the country's talent to big U.S. broadcasters for their its own exclusive profit? How do you like the way they stick their heads in the sand to avoid the accusations of their victim? They're some of the most treacherous cowards on earth. They'd destroy us all to save themselves. And what do they call themselves now? Why do we tolerate boasting like that, especially from CBC? Do they use a mind-ray on us to hypnotize us? Here are three words I associate with CBC: corrupt, evasive, guilty.

They think I should spend my whole life laboring to write good material, so they can give it to their stupid friends to lie to us all with, to make us think that Nickleback is intelligent and Jay Leno is funny. Then they want everyone to think I'm a bum. But that wasn't even enough in 2010, when their fraud band tried to throw me in jail for sharing my own song. They do all that to me and then they turn around to you and boast about how professional they are. You can't blame me for getting upset.

As for my music, I never forced it on anyone. People came to me because they wanted to hear it. If it stood out on the radio as hits, maybe that's why. Maybe people got as tired of old classics or dumb, aimless guitar solos as I am.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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